Ask Us Anything: America's Trials
In this Ask Us Anything webinar, Family Investment Center's Dan Danford and Richard Salmen answered viewers' questions regarding today's trials and tribulations that are faced by America and you as a consumer and investor.
Preliminary Remarks/segments:
- The value of the dollar and inflation today (0:56)
- How inflation will be tamed (2:20)
- Reasons why we have inflation (4:30)
- Stock Market with today’s inflation (5:50)
- How inflation plays out in politics (6:45)
- Supply chain issues – nearshoring vs onshoring (9:20)
- Ukraine War and the ramifications from the war, e.g., food insecurity (12:34)
Questions Asked by Viewers/segments:
- What is being done to protect our portfolios? (15:05)
- Has our five-year investment outlook or strategy shifted in the last six months? If so, how? (18:19)
- How do you respond to inflation? – investments, gold, cryptocurrency (22:41)
- (More commentary on what is contributing to inflation – US financing a huge part of the war) (30:35)
- If the war in Ukraine continues to go on, how will that affect our portfolios? (31:27)
- Can the Republicans win this fall, and if they can, can they do anything about our current situation? (37:10)
- Supreme Court is facing challenges like never before. How does that matter? (39:20)
- What do we have to do as a country? (41:20)
- What are some alternative investments? (45:13)
- With everything going on in the world, do you see any major changes in the tax code for 2022? (49:43)
- I have heard that short-term private health insurance is (for retirement from age 62 to 65, before Medicare kicks in) approximately one-half the cost of Obamacare, for a fairly, healthy couple. True? (54:58)
- Can the Chiefs win the Super Bowl again or can the Royals win the World Series again? (57:22)