Ask Us Anything: Cybersecurity

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In this Ask Us Anything webinar, Family Investment Center's CEO Dan Danford and President Richard Salmen chat with Senior Technology Consultants Erin Donham and Paul Ewing from Charles Schwab to answer your cybersecurity questions including...

  1. How to better protect your email against cyber threats
  2. What best practices there are when it comes to thinking about password protection
  3. Why verbally confirming money movement and fund distribution is so important
  4. How Schwab responds if a client account is compromised with fraudulent activity

If you have a question you'd like answered, please ask it below in the comments. For more information about topics discussed in today's webinar, please visit

Click her to watch Ask Us Anything: Cybersecurity

About Our Panelists

Erin Donham is a Senior Technology Consultant for Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. based in Newport Beach, CA. Erin consults with advisors and investment advisory firms to improve their business operations by providing guidance in the areas of process optimization, technology, and cybersecurity. Erin started out as a laser and optics engineer. Later, she migrated to finance where she was VP of Client Solutions for an independent registered investment advisor in Portland, OR. Erin earned a bachelor’s degree in physics and chemistry from Willamette University.

Paul Ewing is a Senior Technology Consultant for Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. based in Minneapolis, MN. As a member of Schwab’s technology consulting team, Paul provides hands-on guidance and consulting support to help investment advisors on a variety of industry topics including implementing strong cybersecurity practices. Paul has been in the financial services industry for more than 20 years and in his current role at Charles Schwab since 2007.


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