How Will You Meet Your Financial Freedom Planning Goals in 2019?

Family Investment Center |

What You Need to Know About Your Financial Future as a New Year Starts

If you’re looking to get 2019 started off in the direction of freedom, the Family Investment Center team has some financial planning tips to get you started.

One “big picture” idea is to simplify your financial life. Here are some ways Family Investment Center CEO/Founder Dan Danford advises his clients to put that concept into practice:

This is not rocket science, and the basics are pretty simple. You need to spend less than you make. Buy things that hold value, and use credit thoughtfully (mostly for things that hold or grow in value). Steer clear of anything you don’t understand.

Turn off the business channel on TV. Consider ignoring most of the financial or economic stories in the popular media. While it’s not exactly “fake news,” it’s often full of unneeded drama. Every talking head has an agenda and many of them represent some product or service that might harm you. Don’t be lured into an investment drama vortex.

And remember, adding too much emotion to investing is a dangerous game. In fact, professional advisors are often valued for their ability to see options in a discerning, straightforward way.


Seek professional help when you need it. Mistakes are made when people reach beyond their knowledge. Find out what you don’t already know by talking to an advisor about your questions and ideas. Seeking one that’s commission-free (fee-only) can help boost your confidence level even further.  

Inertia is the enemy. When faced with a new financial decision, many people will choose to avoid or ignore. That creates the 401(k) that is never invested, or the abandoned IRA at a bank, or even life or health insurance that will lapse. In many cases, an ignored decision is worse than a bad decision. Decide to decide.

Again, when you can’t make a decision or are afraid you’re going beyond your comfort zone, get the help of a professional. There is no need to feel intimidated – just present the facts and see how an expert can assist you with those hard to make decisions.


Don’t live life like a pinball in a pinball machine. Ignore the constant noise, make deliberate choices, keep it simple and use genuine advice. You’ll find that a long-term approach to financial planning will keep you from bouncing around aimlessly.

At Family Investment Center, we take your freedom very seriously. Our Total Financial Wellness Approach can help you start planning today for your own version of serious freedom. Contact us and let’s get the conversation started about your future.


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