How does Family Investment Center charge for your services?

We offer two distinct, Fee-Only® services to our clients:

Financial Planning Services

We calculate your annual fee based on family income, type of income, tax complexity and net worth. You pay the first half of your annual fee when you hire us and the second half approximately halfway through the first year of your engagement.

An open retainer agreement means you are free to call us or schedule a meeting at any time on any financial issue and there will be no additional charge for the extra meeting(s). The logic behind this arrangement is simple: each year you have to put your pen down on your checkbook and rehire us. If we have not provided value during the previous year, you can choose not to rehire us. And we really appreciate getting rehired!

We may refer you to outside vendors and/or product specialists to help you with the implementation of your planning needs. We accept no referral fees or compensation of any kind from these people and/or companies. Our referral is only based on our belief that they will be of assistance to you.

Portfolio Analysis and Investment Implementation Services

When we manage money for you directly, an asset management fee applies. This annual fee equates to 1% of assets under management, or less in some cases, depending on the size of the relationship and specific services provided. These fees are deducted on a quarterly basis and are calculated based on the market value of the portfolio at the end of the preceding quarter.


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